Valuation & Advisory

“Partner with our team of highly experienced valuers and obtain high level property advice second to none within Australia. We perform timely and accurate valuations across all asset classes nationwide with client satisfaction being at the forefront of our focus." -  Al Carpenter, Partner, Head of Valuation & Advisory

Key Contacts

Talk to an expert about your needs

Alistair Carpenter

Partner, Head of Valuation & Advisory, NSW


Key capabilities

  • Annual fixed asset portfolio review and valuations
  • Asset mortgage to banks and/or financial institutions
  • Asset valuation for tax purposes, stamp duty and capital gains
  • Public company due diligence and listings (IPO)
  • Real Estate Investment Trust listings (REIT)
  • Company mergers and acquisitions
  • Asset acquisitions and/or disposals
  • Partnership and joint venture arrangements
  • Rental consultancy advice
  • GST advice
  • Compulsory acquisition and land consultancy
  • Receiver appointments
  • Financial modelling consultancy advice
  • Insurance valuations
  • Court cases (expert witness)

A commitment to accuracy and confidentiality, plus an exceptional understanding of the constantly evolving real estate market and International Valuation Standards is at the core of our Valuation & Advisory team’s offering.

Our key focus is to ensure our clients have timely, accurate and relevant valuation information to properly manage their portfolios, make informed decisions and mitigate risk.

Our advice to clients, whether individual owners or buyers, major developers, investors, financiers or A-REITS, is based on offering them fresh perspectives and ideas, backed by data and experience in line with current market conditions.

From metropolitan and regional to remote regions, our extensive national footprint enables us to offer dedicated, valuation specialists across Australia, wherever our clients are located.

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

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A member of our team will be in touch with you as soon as possible to discuss your enquiry. We look forward to speaking with you soon.

Our team will be in contact to discuss an estimate, intended as a guide to pricing your property.